Friday sms is a byword. A byword for your hidden or suddenly arisen desires toward a person, whose attractiveness comes to the fore in your drunk head and you are feeling an internal imperative to share with him what you want or how you feel. It could be: “take a taxi and come over me” or “i miss you here” or simply “heyyyy, you”. Sometimes more complicated, but usually silly, tasteless and pathetic.
Friday sms is all about love or fuck. Or love and fuck. The interesting part is that even blindly drunk you are actually aware of the one-way communication. You don't really expect an answer, you are doing it for the pure sake of straightforwardness. You know that you sound ridiculous but you don't give a damn. You do give a damn in the morning when while brushing your teeth a flashback bangs your head and with a tooth-paste foam on your mouth you rush into the bedroom to check in the sent items what foolishness you produced last night. Then you promise yourself, next time when you are drunk and light-minded to throw your mobile in the toilet and flush it out. Seriously, isn't it time a sms undo button to be created? Or a 6th sense mobile, which blocks the txt option when your breath starts attracting fruit flies.
I believe everyone at one time have been someones "Friday sms". But I know people who never send Friday sms no matter of the degree of their intoxication. Cheers to them, i admire you, guys!
I haven't been in love with noone in the recent several years, so luckily my friday txts appear to be less pathetic and respectively less embarrassing for me in the morning. Still I am wondering at the stupidity of the phenomena to txt someone when you are drunk.
Dear last night Friday sms of mine, if you are reading these lines, here's to you! Actually, I meant it. :)